Friday, August 25, 2006

Water Inc. & Green Party of Canada

My current night-time reading is a book by now local Peterborough author, Varda Burtsyn...the book is Water Inc. - early stages - up to Chapter 8 but now getting intrigued with the characters. The book is "semi-fictional", I can actually visualize events happening in real life the way they are being told in the book. Scary to think what will happen in the USA when big parts of the country run out of water. (impacts of climate change- severe drought in the US Southwest). Even scarier as to what will happen in Canada, when the militaristic giant to our south demands to be given our water.

Watched CPAC last night (Thursday) - the Jim Harris tribute at the Green Party of Canada Convention in Ottawa. The Green Party is the only political party in Canada with "grassroots" democracy in action. The Green Party leader has to be a facilitator, organizer, and "cheerleader". The party members establish Policy. The other Canadian political parties work "top-down", especially the Conservatives - the Harper Inner Circle makes all the decisions for the party.

I am a big fan of Elizabeth May. I voted for her to be Green Party leader.

Elizabeth will attract media attention to the party and its objectives, new members will join, and the Party will become a legitimate voting choice for Canadians.

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