Saturday, August 26, 2006

Green Party Leader - Election Day

Watched the Leadership candidate speaches last night on CPAC.

1) Jim Fannon - nice guy, very entertaining speaker.
2) David Chernushenko - very smooth, articulate, but no passion.
3) Elizabeth May - not her best last night, she shines when she is attacking an issue, but last nights speach appeared to be for the people in the room (600 members), a rally to unify. A good effort.

Celeste Mackenzie from the Calgary Sun wrote a good article on the Green Leadership race. 3,000 votes (including Linda's and mine for Elizabeth) have already been mailed in. They expect another 300 will be cast today. Jim Fannon has already predicted Elizabeth has won it in a landslide.

Today's Toronto Star article - good overview......Did you know Greens are the second choice for 33% of the people who voted Conservative? Data from a recent poll.

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