Monday, August 28, 2006

The Green Party platform

I agree with pollster Nik Nanos - The Green's need to become much more than a "one issue" party.....although I can also argue the environment is integrated into everything living entities do on our lovely planet - we need clean air to breathe, pure water to drink, non-toxic foods to eat...etc.

In my mind, the two big issues are:

1) Survival - current world activities (continuous war, threats of nuclear catastrophe) and longer trends (global warming) are definitely not positive.

2) Quality of Life - an economic catastrophe (US Government deficit - hundreds of billions & debt in the trillions) lies ahead of us. The supply and demand of non-renewable resources and energy is costly for business (with the exception of the oil,gas,metals) and consumers. Toxins are pervasive in our air, water, soil - the biggest cause for cancer.

Greens will develop a "down the middle" (not left or right) political platform that will appeal to the majority of Canadians....

o the Green Party is an ideal party for entrepreneurs and small business people.
- a multitude of business opportunities are available in the alternative energies segment.
o the party abhors waste of any kind. (fiscally as well as materially)
o Canadians are thirsting for democratic reform - the voice of the individual citizen is lost - our members of Parliament first look to their Party leaders for direction on what to say about anything, rather than following their own beliefs or the consensus of their constituents.
o the party will take a holistic approach to the big issues impacting all of us - it is impossible to separate the environment from the economy, energy or health.

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